This option will vary depending on the court, though generally most courts will only allow for PDF files to be uploaded.
- If you are trying to upload a different type of file, it is recommended to check with your court for instructions on how they may accept your specific file format.
The Texas Court of Appeals, Criminal Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court are able to upload the below audio/video files. Filers will see additional accepted file types listed when selecting a Filing Code that allows for an Audio/Video file upload.
For other states, filers must confer with the clerks at the court they are filing into for instructions on filing audio / video files into their court, especially if the website does not allow filers to upload these file types.
Supported file types:
- MP3
- MP4
The size limit is 2GB.
The audio or video file upload options will be listed under the Lead Document and/or Attachments upload areas.