If you get a "PDF unsupported" error or need to repair a damaged of corrupted PDF, try these troubleshooting tips:
Update Adobe Acrobat Reader. One of the reasons a PDF might not display properly is because your Adobe Acrobat Reader isn’t up to date. Launch the app and go to Help > Check for updates.
Repair Adobe Acrobat installation. If the PDF still doesn’t work after updating Acrobat Reader, go to Help > Repair installation.
Restore PDF to a previous version. Another method to repairing a damaged PDF is restoring it to a previous version. Head to the location where the PDF is saved, right click the file and select Restore previous versions.
Convert the PDF. If you are still having no luck with repairing a damaged PDF, you can extract the information from within, then save it into a Word document. From here you reformat the information and resave as a PDF.
- Try the Print-to-PDF method. You may also try to repair your PDF by using the Print-to-PDF method to re-save it.