You may be using our up-to-date Cloud website. To access those instructions, click here.
Please Note: Some states have upgraded to a newer version of the efiling website. If you are located in one of those states and the updated version of the efiling site appears after selecting your state, please view this article or this article (for the most up-to-date version of the site) instead. If your state has an updated version of the efiling site but you prefer using this Legacy (older) version of the site, select Legacy Sites from the list above instead of E-File & Serve.
The home page has a section on the bottom left called Actions. To register a new account, click the green Register button. If you already have an account, click the blue Sign In button.
- First Name and Last Name
- Email Address (Note: This will be the email address you sign in with, and receive status updates to for all of your filings.)
Enter a Password (Note: Make sure your password meets the password requirements.
Your password must be at least 8 characters and include an upper case letter, a lowercase letter, and a number or special character)
- Enter a Security Question and a Security Answer
Next you will see the Registration Options. If you don't have a lawyer, you should choose Register for a Self-Represented Account. Click the circle or checkbox at the bottom right of the box to select the account type.
- Your Address, City, State, and Zip Code
- Your Phone Number
Note: If you are registering using a mobile device and are unable to select your State, you may need to register and file using a computer.
Many mobile devices do not properly interact with the drop down menus and some touch screens are unresponsive to certain fields on the eFile website.
After you fill out the required fields, click the Next button in the bottom right corner.Next you will see the site's Terms and Conditions. You can copy and paste the Terms and Conditions onto your computer if you would like to save them. You must click the blue I Agree – Create My Account button in the bottom right corner to continue.
Next you will see a message confirming your account registration. You must check the email address you registered with to find your verification email. You must click the link in your verification email before you can sign in with your new account
Note: You do not have to register an account for each county separately. Once you're registered on the state's website, you can file into any county that's listed on the website.
See below for next steps.
If you don't have your documents ready for e-filing yet, read these articles:
If your documents are ready, you need to add a payment account before you can e-file:
If your documents are ready and you have added a payment account, read these articles to learn how to e-file: