New Mexico eFiling requires attorneys to use their Court Authorized Identification (CAID) number, not their BAR number. A CAID number is issued to all attorneys authorized to practice law in New Mexico by the New Mexico Supreme Court for identification and attorney registration purposes.
A CAID Number is different than a bar number issued by the State Bar of New Mexico. The Supreme Court issues unique Court Authorized Identification (CAID) Numbers to all attorneys authorized to practice law in New Mexico for identification and registration purposes.
Please follow the link provided to find your CAID number.
The CAID number may appear on the attorney's bar card near the state bar number. The CAID is a 5-digit number with the first two digits corresponding to the year the CAID number was issued followed by a slash and three more digits (i.e. 05/111).
- Do NOT include the slash when you enter your CAID number
- If the number does not verify or the attorney is unable to locate their CAID number, please have the filer contact the Supreme Courts Clerks Office at 505-827-4860 or at