Pursuant to Rules 2-510, 3-510, 4-265, and 4-266, the Maryland Judiciary implemented a uniform, statewide subpoena form. The form was, and currently is, available through the MDEC portal. Effective December 12, 2019, as a measure to control access and prevent misuse, these forms will be made available to attorneys within the Attorney Information System (AIS).
Statewide Uniform Subpoena forms will be removed from the MDEC portal on December 31, 2019, and will no longer be accessible outside of AIS. Subpoena forms will remain available to attorneys from within the Attorney Information System (AIS) after December 31, 2019. Attorneys are being made aware of this change.
The Attorney Information System (AIS) is a comprehensive, secure database and provides a one-stop portal to help Maryland practicing attorneys view, update, and maintain their attorney status. AIS is available at: https://mdcourts.gov/lawyers/ais.