You may be using our up-to-date Cloud website. To access those instructions, select one of the following options.
- FIRM ACCOUNT: How To Add a Service Contact To a Case While in the Filing Process
- INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT: How To Add a Service Contact To a Case While in the Filing Process
Follow the instructions below to add an email to be available for electronic email service to a case.
While in the Filings section, make sure your Filing Type says EFileAndServe or Serve. Selecting the proper filing type will generate the Service Contacts section after completing the Filings section. Complete all required fields in red, if the fields are not outlined in red then they are not required. Upload your Lead document, complete all other required fields and click Save Changes.
Service Contacts sections will appear next as you scroll down the screen. Find the party you are associated with and click on the corresponding Actions. Choose one of the 3 options.
- Add New Service Contact - Manual entry of your name and email for electronic service for this case only (where applicable: see special note below).
- Add New Mail Service Contact - Manual entry of your name and physical address for mail service for this case only (where applicable: see special note below).
- Add From Service Contacts - Select from the list of Firm Service Contacts within your own account.
- Add From Public List - List of email contacts that are available to the public.
Complete all remaining required information. Click the Summary button, review and Submit
Please Note:
Some states do not have the Add New Service Contact option in their Action menus. There may be added fees when serving via mail service. The filer can select the service method during the filing process in the service section.
To add a new service contact in these states, you will first need to save your draft, then add the service contact information to your account's or firm's Service Contact list.
- To save your draft, scroll to the bottom of the envelope and click Save as Draft.
Doing this will take you back to your Filer Dashboard. - For more information on the Firm Service Contact list, please see this article.
After adding the contact information to your account's or firm's Service Contact list, resume your draft and select the Add From Service Contacts option in the Service Contacts section.
- To find out how to resume your draft, please see this article.