Assume you are a paralegal or a filing attorney with Law Firm X, but you plan to leave that firm and join Law Firm Z soon. You have a Law Firm X company email address (like and an efiling account that uses that email address as its username.
How do you assure a smooth transition from Law Firm X to Law Firm Z with no hiccups in your ability to efile and no loss of filing data?
Determine what your professional email address will be. Are you going to keep the same email address that you used at Law Firm X, or will Law Firm Z assign you a new one? You will want to confer with Law Firm Z's Firm Administrator or IT specialist to find out. We recommend doing this at least a week in advance, if not more, to give you plenty of time to move data from your old account to your new one. If you're going to have a new email address at the new firm (like, see if Law Firm Z's IT professional can set that up for you in advance.
For more information, please refer to the following help article:
> Who is the Firm Administrator for my firm's account?
If you are changing email addresses, you will want to forward all your important emails or any email referring to cases you plan to work on at your new firm from your Law Firm X email account.
Login to your old efiling account and update your Service Contact information for the cases you plan to take with you to the new law firm. If your new firm is providing you with a new email address, you will want to change your Service Contact data on your cases from your old Law Firm X email account to your new Law Firm Z email account so you can start receiving email notifications for your cases at your new email address right away.
For more information, please refer to the following help article:
> I Changed Firms, How Do I Update My Service Contacts in a Case?
If you are going to use your old email address at the new law firm, you can skip this step.
While you are logged into your old efiling account, make a note of what cases you plan to take with you to the new firm. Jot down these case numbers somewhere. You're going to need them later.
For more information, please refer to the following help articles:
> What is the Filing History?
PLEASE NOTE: When you create a draft or filing, that envelope remains linked with your efiling account and your current firm's efiling account. All the filings in your Filing History or your firm's Filing History will remain with that firm account and cannot be transferred to your new firm. You may search for your cases and file into them anew using your new account, but you cannot take your Filing History with you. If you have any important documents in your Filing History that you have not yet downloaded, you should do so now.
Contact your new firm's Firm Administrator and ask them to invite you to their Firm Account. If Law Firm Z is providing you with a new email address, now is the time to have that firm invite you to their Firm Account so you can start using it right away.
For more information, please refer to the following help articles:
> I Changed Firms, How Do I Change My Email Address to My New Firm?
> FOR FIRM ADMINISTRATORS: How Do I Add More Users to the Firm Account?
Log into your new firm account and bookmark the cases you are taking with you to the new law firm. Remember the list of cases from your old efiling account? Now you can search for these cases in your new account and add them to your Bookmarks so you can file into them as soon as you're ready to do so.
For more information, please refer to the following help article:
> How Do I Bookmark a Case?
Close out your old account. Contact Law Firm X's Firm Administrator and let them know when you are ready to for them to remove your old firm account. If they provided you with your old firm email address, let them know when you are ready for them to close out that account as well.
For more information, please refer to the following help article:
> FOR FIRM ADMINISTRATORS: How Do I Remove a Firm User?